Hello everyone! How is everyone doing? Are you doing well?
It's very hot out lately, I hope everyone at least has a way to keep cool! ( ゚д゚)\
Well we have some exciting news for everyone today, let's get to it!
Heaven Farm is getting an update! Not just the art, the reason for the art change is not simply for a better look, but the team has been debating on something similar to Live2D-esque features for the game!
It hasn't been completely tested yet as this concept is very new to us, but we want to make sure the game is as fun to play as possible!
*Full body view of cow model
We hope we can make Heaven Farm a game everyone will enjoy and play for a long time.
We've finished the cow models so far so the character maker demo is our next goal to release.
So please check out the new updates in https://www.adonisentertainment.net/heaven-farm-top
That's all for today's update, we'll have more for you at a later date soon enough!
Until next time. ( ゚▽゚)/