Hello everyone! How is everyone today? It's been awhile but I hope you have all been well!
Spring is here and so is the nice weather! Well let's get to the update~ (⁀ᗢ⁀)
Well we finally finished maintenance in the Heaven Farm site! We apologize for it taking so long but now we have content to show for it which has been updated!
Check out the website here: https://www.adonisheart.com/heaven-farm-top
Both Heaven Farm and 3D Husband are nearing demo completion, we are excited to release as soon as possible.
We have not only updated the demo game but the GUI and models as well to look a bit more appealing to the user, we hope you enjoy the demo once it releases.
This is all we have for today, I hope you all have a wonderful spring!
until next time! ( ゚▽゚)/